Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads: Investing Social Media Budget

In today’s digital marketing world, using social media ads is super important for businesses to reach their customers well. Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads is the most common of all the debates. 

We know that there are lots of platforms out there, so knowing which ones give the best bang for your buck is key. 

This article dives into Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads, showing you the contrasts to decide where to spend your ad money in 2024.

Basics of Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

In today’s digital era, social media platforms are crucial for businesses to connect with their audience and advertise their offerings. 

Instagram and Facebook are among the top choices for advertising. So, let us go ahead and see what is what in the section below:

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook, the largest social media platform globally, lets businesses create highly targeted ads displayed in users’ news feeds. With a whopping 2.8 billion active users, Facebook provides vast reach and diverse ad formats tailored to different goals.

Like Instagram, Facebook ads can be personalized to meet specific business objectives, whether it’s driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting brand awareness. 

A standout feature of Facebook ads is their advanced targeting options. Businesses can narrow down their audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and connections, ensuring they reach the right people for better engagement and conversions.

Moreover, Facebook offers various ad formats, including photos, videos, carousels, and collections, giving businesses the flexibility to experiment and find the most effective way to convey their message.

Another perk of Facebook ads is the ability to measure campaign performance accurately. Businesses can access detailed insights such as reach, engagement, and conversions, allowing them to evaluate and optimize their ad campaigns for better results.

What are Instagram Ads?

Instagram, a popular platform for sharing photos and videos, lets businesses create visually appealing ads that seamlessly blend with users’ content. With over 1 billion active users worldwide, Instagram is a top choice for showcasing products or services.

Businesses have various options for Instagram ads, including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, or ads in Instagram Stories. These ads can target specific demographics, interests, or behaviors, ensuring businesses reach the right audience.

A key advantage of Instagram ads is their ability to engage users with captivating visuals. Businesses can use the platform’s creative tools to design eye-catching ads that resonate with their audience. 

Whether it’s a stunning product shot, a behind-the-scenes video, or an influencer endorsement, Instagram ads have the potential to leave a lasting impression.

In summary, Instagram and Facebook ads have transformed how businesses advertise and engage with their audience. With their extensive reach, customization options, and powerful targeting capabilities, these platforms are essential tools for success in the digital age.

The Reach of Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

In social media advertising, knowing how far your ads can go and how effective they are is key for businesses aiming to get the most out of their marketing. Among the top platforms for advertising are Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads.

Let’s dive into the demographics and engagement rates on these platforms to help you decide where to put your advertising money.

User Demographics on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Understanding the demographics of each platform is crucial for optimizing your targeting strategy. Instagram, known for its visually appealing content, is highly popular among younger audiences.

A whopping 72% of 13-17-year-olds and 64% of 18-29-year-olds regularly use the platform. This makes Instagram an ideal choice for businesses aiming at these age groups.

On the flip side, Facebook boasts a more diverse user base, appealing to various age groups. While it attracts younger users, it also has a substantial number of older users.

This diversity can benefit businesses seeking to reach a wider audience and target specific age groups. By considering your target audience’s demographics, you can choose the platform that best aligns with your business objectives.

Whether you’re targeting a younger demographic or aiming for a broader audience, both Instagram and Facebook provide distinct opportunities for businesses to engage with their target market.

Engagement Rates on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Engagement rates are vital for assessing the effectiveness of your ad campaigns. You want your audience not just to see your ads but also to interact with them. In terms of engagement rates, Instagram usually outperforms Facebook.

Instagram users are highly engaged, with an average engagement rate per post of 1.22%. This means, for every 100 followers, you can expect about 1.22 interactions on your posts.

This higher engagement level on Instagram makes it attractive for businesses aiming to boost brand awareness and connect with their audience on a more personal level.

Conversely, Facebook’s average engagement rate is 0.18%. Though lower compared to Instagram, it’s essential to consider Facebook’s vast user base.

Even with a lower engagement rate, you can still reach a significant number of users and create meaningful interactions with your target audience.

Ultimately, the choice between Instagram and Facebook hinges on your specific business goals and target audience. If you aim to engage with a younger demographic and prioritize high engagement rates, Instagram may suit your advertising campaigns best.

However, if you seek to reach a broader audience and leverage Facebook’s extensive user base, it’s a valuable platform to consider.

By grasping the demographics and engagement rates on both Instagram and Facebook, you can decide where to invest your advertising budget wisely.

Remember, each platform presents unique opportunities, and a well-planned advertising strategy can help you maximize your reach and effectively connect with your target audience.

Cost of Advertising on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

When businesses decide on social media advertising, they often weigh the options between Instagram and Facebook.

Both platforms have distinct benefits and reach vast audiences, but one crucial factor for advertisers is the cost per click (CPC) on each platform.

Studies indicate that the average CPC on Instagram is lower than on Facebook, making it a cost-efficient option for businesses with budget constraints.

This implies that advertisers might reach a broader audience on Instagram for the same budget compared to Facebook.

Average Cost per Click (CPC) on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Let’s take a closer look at the average CPC on Instagram and Facebook. Instagram, known for its visual appeal, attracts a younger demographic highly engaged with visual content.

This engagement typically leads to lower CPC rates, as advertisers can effectively target their audience with visually enticing ads.

On the flip side, Facebook boasts a diverse user base spanning various age groups and interests. While the CPC on Facebook might be slightly higher, businesses can capitalize on Facebook’s advanced targeting options to reach their ideal audience precisely.

It’s worth noting that CPC can fluctuate based on factors like industry, target audience, and ad relevance. Advertisers should carefully assess their specific goals and audience before solely considering CPC for decision-making.

Return on Investment (ROI) for Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Determining the return on investment (ROI) of your advertising efforts is crucial for measuring success. Both Instagram and Facebook offer robust analytical tools enabling businesses to track campaign performance and assess ad effectiveness.

Instagram’s analytics provide insights into engagement rate, reach, and impressions, helping assess campaign impact and plan future strategies.

Similarly, Facebook offers comprehensive analytics including metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per acquisition (CPA), allowing advertisers to understand campaign performance and optimize ads.

By analyzing data from both platforms, businesses can evaluate effectiveness and determine which delivers higher ROI for their goals.

Consider factors such as audience demographics, ad format suitability, and campaign objectives when assessing ROI for Instagram and Facebook ads.

Though Instagram may have a lower average CPC, businesses should weigh specific goals, target audience, and ad format suitability when choosing between platforms.

Leverage analytical tools from both Instagram and Facebook for data-driven decisions to maximize ROI.

Ad Formats and Placement on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Instagram provides diverse ad formats such as photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads. These formats enable businesses to present their products or services in visually captivating and immersive ways.

With the increasing popularity of Instagram Stories, incorporating story ads into your campaign can effectively broaden your audience reach.

Similar to Instagram, Facebook offers various ad formats including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and collection ads.

Additionally, Facebook provides lead generation ads, enabling businesses to gather valuable customer information directly from the platform.

Targeting Capabilities of Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Instagram has significantly enhanced its targeting capabilities over the years, enabling businesses to reach their desired audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Effectively utilizing these features ensures that your ads reach the right audience at the right time.

Facebook elevates targeting with a wide array of options to reach specific audiences. From basic demographic targeting to advanced features like custom audiences and lookalike audiences, Facebook empowers advertisers to refine their targeting strategy and enhance campaign effectiveness.

Ultimately, the decision on where to allocate your advertising budget in 2024 should stem from a thorough understanding of your target audience and business objectives. By carefully considering the factors discussed herein, you can make an informed choice aligned with your marketing goals.

Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads: Breaking Down the Benefits 

There are various advantages to running ads on either platform or on both. However, running the same ad on both platforms may not yield identical results. Instead, analyzing factors such as your goals, content, and audience can help determine which platform is best for your business.

Breaking down the components of an ad will assist in deciding which platform suits you best. If you’re seeking an easy way to start advertising and prioritize gaining traction over specific goals, Instagram is the way to go. 

On the other hand, if you require detailed control over every aspect of the ad, Facebook is your solution. Let’s delve deeper into these topics to help you allocate your social media budget effectively.

Ads Management on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Both Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads can be managed through Facebook’s Ads Manager, offering a centralized location for ad resources. This simplifies the process for marketers to select multiple audiences and placements, with easy campaign management and downloadable results.

On Facebook, the campaign manager provides numerous options for objectives, ad sets, and ads. There are various combinations to test and ample ways to preview available ads.

Instagram’s ads manager opts for simplicity. With just a few taps, you can set up your ad using an existing post or story. If you prefer a straightforward interface without diving into detailed data, Instagram is the ideal ads management platform for you.

Similarly, if you’re new to advertising on both platforms and already have existing audiences on each, consider testing Instagram first. Once you’re familiar with its workings, you’ll be better equipped to explore the options available on Facebook.

Demographics & Audiences on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

A crucial factor in deciding which network suits you best is understanding the existing demographics and audiences. While often used interchangeably, a network’s demographic typically refers to its overall user base across billions of accounts. Conversely, the audience refers to your own account’s followers whom you can target.

If your aim is to attract new followers or fans, you must ensure that your desired target audience is active on that network.

Facebook boasts the broadest demographic coverage among all networks, with relatively stable characteristics year over year. Many brands are likely to find segments of their audience on Facebook.

In contrast, Instagram’s demographics tend to skew younger, with minimal drastic changes in recent years.

Once you confirm that your target demographics exist for your ads, you can proceed with execution.

If you seek engagement or interactions on your ads, you need to analyze your audiences. Facebook’s audience insights are found in the Insights tab, while Instagram’s audience insights are available within the app’s Insights section. 

Facebook offers more detailed audience targeting compared to Instagram. Instagram’s approach is more streamlined and simplified, making it ideal for advertising beginners.

For a successful ad with engagement, you need existing followers or fans who will interact with your ad. The simplest way to achieve this is by boosting a post, which is accessible for both networks in your profile, without needing an ads manager. In this regard, both networks are equally user-friendly.

Content on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Assess your existing content or content budget. What type of content do you have? Can you invest in more? Are there videos or photos specifically for ads, or mostly posts you want to boost visibility for?

Instagram and Facebook differ significantly in content types and interactions. On Facebook, you can advertise with various ad types:

  • Carousel: scrollable images or videos
  • Single media: image, video, or slideshow
  • Existing posts: including shared links

For Instagram ad types, you have similar options but can’t make in-caption links clickable. Instead, use call-to-action buttons to add a link.

Consider your goals when examining content. If it doesn’t align with your goal, your ad won’t perform well regardless of the copy. Facebook users engage with friends, family, and informative posts. Robust and shareable content like blog posts or case studies can do well here.

Instagram focuses more on visual content. Compelling photos or videos are crucial. News articles may not perform as well unless paired with attention-grabbing images.

If you have strong visual content, Instagram is a better choice. It’s also suitable if you can invest in creating such content. If your content is varied or includes more written content, Facebook may be better for your business.

Goals Setting on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Throughout this guide, the importance of having clear goals for your ads has been emphasized. Without defined goals, you can’t determine metrics, campaign success, or targeting.

Facebook’s Ad Manager simplifies goal selection by prompting you to choose your objective upfront. This manages both Instagram and Facebook ads, though not all options are available on Instagram. If you advertise on Instagram via the app, you won’t have a choice in the objective. Consider this when defining your goals.

Objectives like brand awareness, paired with visually appealing content, thrive on Instagram. Conversely, objectives like website clicks, coupled with informative news or review articles, perform better on Facebook

Choosing Industry on Facebook Vs. Instagram Ads

Another crucial factor to consider when deciding between advertising on Facebook and Instagram is the industry you operate in. Industries that heavily rely on visuals, such as food, fashion, and trendy consumer products, thrive on Instagram for a reason.

If you have accounts on both platforms, analyze your overall social media analytics to see which platform is already generating the most organic interactions aligned with your goals. If you’re receiving more clicks on Facebook, take that into account and create ads similar to that type of content.

Furthermore, the industry you’re in impacts the cost of your ads. More expensive products typically require multiple ad runs to increase consumer awareness and move customers down the marketing funnel. If your industry isn’t well-represented on a particular network, you might face less competition in advertising, resulting in lower costs. However, for ads to perform well, you need both a small industry presence and a high target demographic to aim the ad towards. Without this balance, your ad may struggle to gain traction due to a limited audience.


Don’t hesitate to test different content types and objectives while targeting the same audience. Facebook Ads Manager offers an A/B test feature for this purpose. Once you’ve identified high-performing ads, experimentation becomes natural.

Both platforms allow you to adjust ads while they’re running. If a campaign exceeds your budget, scale it back or end it early. If one type of content outperforms another for a particular audience, end the underperforming ad.

Success in social media advertising requires planning, analysis, and a bit of luck. Strategies that worked in the past may not be effective today or in the future. 

Furthermore, networks continually adjust their algorithms and advertising features. It wouldn’t be surprising to see Instagram’s targeting capabilities expand to resemble Facebook’s or to have new Instagram-specific options added.

Ready to take your social media advertising to the next level? Contact Brandtonics today for expert guidance and support in maximizing your advertising efforts on Instagram and Facebook!