Google Ranking Factors – What You Need to Know in 2024

Do you also find it stressing to stay compliant with Google ranking factors timely? If so, this guide is for you! In this article, we assembled the Google ranking factor which should catch up with your Google optimization. Not only that, but we did it cleverly and easily. 

Based on a variety of authoritative sources we have succinctly formed the most current findings. Each factor incorporates the statement of experts as well as the official stance of Google for an all-rounded look.

Google’s algorithm, which is an intricate web of data spots, decides the sequence of results. Being continuously innovative, it changes to suit user requirements. 

In this blog, we study the top Google ranking factors, based on different studies and reports, and using Google’s ideas. 

It’s your handy book for achieving your reach online and taking the path to the top of the Google mountains.

Key Google Ranking Factors: 

Gaining and utilizing the Right Google Ranking Elements is vital for staying on top of the game. Algorithms keep developing and people’s interests change over time. Therefore, constant adjustment of strategies by entrepreneurs is necessary to get them noticed in the search results.

Through maintaining a holistic strategy, companies can rely on the continuous SEO evolution with confidence.

Individually, each rank factor acts as one brick in the path of a business to steadfast internet standing. These key Google ranking factors are as follows:

Content Quality & Depth

Content is king considering its role in enabling your web page to feature among Google’s search results page. Earlier, the length of your website was seen as a valuable attribute, but now the quality of your content matters.

The talk of the SEO industry dwelled on the aspect of whether article length is a Google ranking factor. In past times, articles with longer texts seemed more influential, but the studies now prove this misconception wrong. 

According to Backlinko, the average word count on first page results is 1,447 words. However, the sheer number of words rarely yields good positions at Google.

Contrary to that, it is the depth that rises to power. The nature of the content also determines how well the content may answer the search queries. It is this factor that contributes to the ranking outcome. 

Backlinko’s discoveries show the magnitude of content quality, and the higher the grade, the better ranks on the search engines. Ahrefs agrees with this direction and instructs websites to reach the comprehensiveness level of the peak rankings content.

Google insists on writing in full. Their Search Central guide even urges the creators to think of it as a detailed recipe. It calls them to provide complete and user-friendly information.

Verdict: Content is the Monarch, and so is depth.

If the content length is not the crucial thing causing your high ranking, depth means the most. 

When it comes to content, you must make sure that it yields an answer to the query. Your content must not just inflate the word count. Utilizing resources like Clearscope, or SurferSEO, for instance, helps understand the needs of users and search intent. 

Searching the top pages that are already ranked will provide the most useful information for better rankings.

External Links

Experts give an important role to external links in ranking a page or the whole website. The long-sought-for virtual stamps, speak to search engines about the credibility and value of the linked content.

Since it originated from Google’s original PageRank, backlinks are still powerful for the Google ranking factor landscape. We excel at constructing the backlinks that achieve a real breakthrough in search engine rankings for our customers.

Backlinko’s study shows how prominent backlinks are, as the first-place result gets at least 3.8 times higher than the backlinks of lower-ranked results. 

According to Ahrefs, it can be said that backlinks significantly impact the results of websites and their organic traffic.

The same sentiment is expressed by Authority Hacker saying that backlinks are the oil that lets the machine run and it is because of their strong correlation with ranking positions.

Though Google reiterates the usefulness of backlinks in its algorithm, it comes short of claiming their exact importance. However, John Mueller, Google’s representative, states that link relevance is the most important factor. He prioritizes it among all which is linked beyond the number of links alone.

Verdict: Links Reign Supreme

High-quality backlinks are SEO basics that must be taken into account, particularly in the ones where competition is high. 

Although they can’t guarantee success for bad content, they offer much better chances of high rankings. It is especially true when paired with well-written and appropriate content.

Searcher Intent

Connecting your content to that of search users is crucial for star ranking. Practically, it means providing the information to the user that is exactly what he/she is searching for with the help of a particular keyword.

To start with, type in “Best laptop” and be provided with a tailored list of the best laptops, or enter “How to fix a laptop screen” and receive article-specific information with the most common screen issues and the steps to take to fix them. The result of that is a confirmation that the company is focused on providing its users with the most accurate answers to any query.

The emerging factor that is most commonly talked about is linking influence together with searcher intent. It comes intuitively to Google—to provide the best and most satisfying answer to the questions that a user asks.

While quantifying the importance of searcher intent proves challenging, the consensus remains clear. For high rankings, your content has to be focused on the searcher’s query and fulfill that need. Ahrefs, Search Engine Land, and Backlinko highlight the significance of properly addressing searchers’ expectations in SEO.

The search intent’s importance can be seen very clearly in the facts of the Authority Hacker’s report. It shows that corporate websites get the top rank when internet users search for exact branding.

Google supports the understanding of searcher intent by organizing special sessions within the quality guidelines for the search.

Verdict: Integrate Searcher Intention that will lead to Successful Ranking.

Aligning your content with searcher intent provides a very significant strategy for getting high rankings. Users’ queries are not finding an answer, therefore, ranking is a problem. 

For proper alignment, you will need to research the top-ranking content and carefully map your own to those standards. 

From this, other optimization strategies, including creating quality backlinks, allow the placement to reach its search potential.

Topical Authority

Topic authority indicates how relevant that content on a site is to a given search query. It puts it in line to provide answers to particular topics. As an illustration, a food and beverage site will have a very high topical authority for recipes. However, zero relevance for engineering software reviews.

Ahrefs reported that one of the top factors influencing search ranking, topical authority is one of them. This might come from pages receiving a lot of internal links referring to related themes. It gives them authority and makes the context for Google clearer.

The first Page SEO research indicates that the ability to grasp unique areas of focus leads to the fourth-most significant factor. 

The report highlights how the hub-and-spoke approach could work to enhance your brand’s search engine rankings. It does so by proving that your brand is higher ranking in terms of its topical mastery.

Google recommends websites to be authorities that reflect expertise and credibility in selected areas of knowledge. This highlights the significance of content that is either generated or excerpted by knowledgeable professionals.

Verdict: Relevance becomes the most important Key for ranking success.

The topical authority of result pages is expressed across all the search engine result pages. Placement of the website is significant for content that matches with keywords that are focused on the webmaster.

Internal Links

The internal links carry the traffic from one page to the other and hence, help the navigation within the website. 

Unlike the backlinks, external links are responsible for the internal links that strengthen the relationship among the site’s content. They do so by making the indexing process easy and improving SEO performance.

Ahrefs found that internal linking is essential in optimizing SEO. The Ninja Outreach reported a 40% rise in organic traffic from internal linking optimization only.

Google proves that the links from the found pages may direct them to your page. They provide the internal link anchor text for the context of your web page’s topics. 

Furthermore, the fact that Google relies on PageRank. It is made up of internal links indicating how crucial links are for ranking algorithms.

Verdict: Make Great Use of the Internal Linking

Google relies heavily on internal link structure to discover and index your pages. Thus, adding links to your content will also enhance its contextual understanding. 

This straightforward yet impactful method, which Google supports, is a pivotal denominator of SEO success. It provides visible results despite the minimum needed effort.

Keyword Optimization

Arranging your title tag, URL, and page headers appropriately is one of the easiest but most powerful factors in Google rankings. Along with these fundamentals, strategic placement of key terms within the content itself is also essential. 

For example, when you write the article “Best Laptops,” you should use this precise phrasing throughout the piece.

Historically, keywords made a great contribution to achieving a good ranking criterion. But still, the environment is changing, with more of them focusing on wider questions rather than just keywords.

According to Backlinko, if the keyword and title match well, they positively influence the search engine rankings. Nevertheless, they came across studies showing no direct relationship between keyword use and the first page’s high ranking.

Authority Hacker statistics demonstrate the coherence between keywords in content and ranking, moreover around keywords in H1 and titles. As illustrated by Kyle Roof, keyword density and placement helps Google evaluate the relevance of a page.

Google instructs the use of the actual keywords for the sake of not making the rankings lower.

Verdict: Relation between Keywords and Positioning

The studies point to a significant connection between keyword usage and ranking. However, the actual role of a keyword is still unknown. The integration of keywords that are relevant within the content should be done to ensure SEO effectiveness.

Page Experience Signals

Overall page experience indicators, such as dwell time, bounce rate, and click-throughs, depict the interest of the users. Google is said to be more likely to rank sites higher where the content delivers good results on these metrics. This is a sign of usefulness in servicing the users’ needs.

The study conducted by Backlinko implies that the user engagement metrics should be accounted for. According to Ahrefs, Google may not directly use the metrics suggested. However, it is likely to use different methods to measure user experience.

Unlike the widely held view, Google contends that the interactions do not play a direct role in rankings. Nevertheless, these numbers will tell you about the engagement and relevance of the content. 

Verdict: Figures Show Content Quality Are Not Ranking Criteria Directly

Google doesn’t intentionally take metrics like dwell time and click-through rate into account for rankings. However, they are used as indicators of content quality. If bounce rates and time on the page are low, there is a need for content improvement. This is how it impacts the rankings on SERPs.

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are considered important indicators of user experience on web pages. These include Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

  • largest contentful paint shows the loading time of the largest content element. 
  • First input delay describes the responsiveness of a browser when a user interacts.
  • Cumulative layout shift measures content layout stability during viewing of a page.

Core Web Vitals is one of the very recent factors Google ranks pages by. SEO specialists tend to concur that is just a matter of minor importance and is by Google’s guidance.

When representatives from Google are asked, Core Web Vitals is confirmed as a Google ranking factor.  If your scores “need improvement”, and how it is improved to “good” your ranking could be enhanced as well.

Verdict: The Optimal Core Web Vitals can assist in Getting a rank higher.

Reaching high core Web Vitals ratings improves the possibility of receiving good search engine rankings. 

Insufficient performance scores can have adverse effects leading to optimization being a vital part of the process. Nevertheless, there might be a diminishing effect on the improvement of scores if the factual scores are already considerable.

Page Freshness

The freshness of the page refers to either publication or updates of the web page. It plays a significant role, especially in search queries that require up-to-date info.

Researching using a news search engine will give you the latest content because the news cycle is always active. 

On the other hand, adjectives such as “Best CRM” that demonstrate the recency of versions would be more suitable for products that have recently gone through updates, which is characteristic of the constantly changing nature of CRM products.

Ahrefs pin-points freshness as a crucial Google ranking factor especially since it is quite relevant to the query. SEO experts along with Search Engine Journal have been reporting rank improvements after content refreshing.

Google also identifies the relevance of content freshness largely when it comes to breaking news, time-periodic events, actual details, and product queries.

Verdict: Freshness needs to be top of mind.

A fresh effect is a core component of the ranking and mostly impacts searches where being timely is critical. Assessing the SERP results will help in making decisions to update the information by the users’ expectations and search intent.

Quality Product Review Content

In 2021, Google put in place important changes in its ranking criteria for product reviews. These are as follows: 

  1. The testimonials are based on firsthand experience with the product providing relevant visual materials like photos, videos, and sound recordings.
  2. Connections to multiple retailers of the product, thus ensuring the reliability and value of the review to the user.

Search Engine Land and Marie Haynes observed some significant changes in the rankings following the above. Hence, they clearly illustrated the importance the update has had on the search results.

In a press statement, Google revealed the implementation of this update. It is aimed at removing reviews that do not provide true information and enhance the overall quality.

Verdict: The Centrality of Quality in Reviews

Google algorithm with the latest release highlights the need to create excellent posts for product reviews. These must adhere to rigid rules. 

Follow these guidelines because it is the only way you will maintain your exposure and credibility in search engine results. If your sites include product reviews, you should pay careful attention to Google’s standards. 

Domain Authority

Domain authority is the result of the entirety of a website’s backlink profile. However, it is still unrelated to the link to a particular page. The addresses having high domain authority always attract many links from reliable sources. 

Several SEO tools are equipped with metrics for measuring domain authority including Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMRush. These parameters judge both the amount and effectiveness of backlinks with several 100.

Scores are scored logarithmically, with the result that domain authority becomes steadily more difficult to boost as it goes up. In addition, Web sites accumulate relative scores just in case their competitors advance and build up more backlinks more quickly.

Experts in SEO have found connections between domain authority and ratings. Backlinko mentions that there may be a correlation between a website’s Ahrefs DR and higher Google ranks. 

It is Authority Hacker who views Domain Rating as more or less important in rankings. However, Ahrefs sees that it indirectly affects rankings through how linking strategies are set up internally.

On one side, Google doesn’t use a “website authority score” to rank websites. However, they occasionally take a look into the overall authority of a website to determine how they are ranked.

Verdict: Ranking has a Correlation with Impact, Not Causation.

Domain authority does not work as an immediate ranking signal. It is the sum of factors like backlink profiles and internal page structure. 

However, no matter how important domain authority is, it may not ensure ranking improvements. This is because the algorithms are based on other key factors.

Thus, it is essential to focus on natural link-building and content quality to raise the authority of the website. 

Other Key Technical Factors 

In addition to the aforementioned Google ranking factors, several other technical considerations significantly influence a website’s likelihood of ranking effectively: 

  1. HTTPS: Involving HTTPS encryption enables the secure transmission of data from the browser to the website. Google HTTPS adopts HTTPS as a small-budgeted ranking signal. Nevertheless, websites are supposed to engage in HTTPS access for trust and to preserve the integrity of data.
  2. Mobile-Friendly Design: Mobile-first indexing was introduced in 2019 and that leads to the mobile user experience becoming one of the most influential factors for both mobile searches and desktop searches. By optimizing your site for mobile devices, it will have a smooth performance across different platforms. It helps in terms of users’ experiences which is very important for a website to be visible in the search results.
  3. Proper Indexing: Google is going to rank websites that have cleaned up their URLs right. To have indexing done properly is very important to raise your website’s popularity to get traffic. Because you might find yourself in a situation where you fail to rank the new site high, it is worthwhile to check its indexing as one of the first steps.

When striving to enhance your website’s ranking, it’s essential to align your efforts with Google’s ultimate objective: 

Exhibiting the top content according to the users’ needs/knee-point. To measure enduring results in the SEO niche, professing superior quality content matching relevance, and following SEO technical guidelines are required.


The practice of implementing both techniques will allow promoting your website with SEO. By integrating these strategies, you can achieve: By integrating these strategies, you can achieve:

  1. The article which has content of high quality and that is comprehensive in scope. In addition, it answers the user’s query satisfactorily and the insights provided are very valuable.
  2. A website that wins visitors as an authority within its niche, announcing its specialization in the key area.
  3. A gratifying browsing experience for visitors, wherever they are, so users become satisfied and engaged. In simple terms, it indicates the difference between Metropolitan and Rural Areas.

Google’s rankings, of course, can change from time to time. However, keeping the above aspects in mind is the key to ranking in SERPs and staying competitive on the web.

Providing high-quality content, taking a position as an authoritative source, and optimizing user experience are key aspects to creating continuous improvement of your site’s search results position.

If you are striving for SEO success, do not hesitate to get in touch with our SEO experts! From quality content to ensuring optimized core web vitals, we do it all for you!